1) White sugar
2) White-sugar products ( jams, prepared gelatin desserts, cakes, candies, cookies, pies, pudding, fruits canned in sugar, etc.)
3) White flour
4) White-flour products ( macaroni, noodles, spaghetti)
5) Wheat flour usually a mixture of white and wheat should say whole wheat or stone ground whole wheat
6) Soft drinks made with sugar and chemicals
7) Refined cereals
8) Salt and highly salted foods ( potato chips, salted nuts, pretzels, olives, etc.
9) White rice
10) Hydrogenated oils and saturated fats
11) Peanut butter made from saturated fats and Hydrogenated oils
12) Margarine made from saturated fats and Hydrogenated oils
13) Chocolate
14) Ice cream made with chemicals
15) Coffee, tea, and alcohol
16) Fried foods
17) Canned fruits and vegetables
18) Heavily processed meats
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