Steps On How To Pray For God's Help

The door is unlocked for you; it’s been thrown wide open! You can come as often as you want, and you can come as you are. You don’t need an appointment to walk straight to the throne of grace when you need help. When you’re worn out or stressed out or burnt out or just plain out of options, you can run into the throne room of grace and crawl up into the lap of your Abba Father. You don’t have to tiptoe or tremble. You don’t have to wonder if you are good enough to be there, because you don’t have to be. Jesus is. In Christ, you are just as welcome to come to God’s Throne as God’s only begotten son. The One who sits on the throne of grace is the King of kings – and He is your Father. You can talk to Him, sit with Him, tell Him your hurts and find grace to help in your time of need. God’s help is as near as our cry. But, let’s face it. We can get all twisted up trying to figure out how to pray or what to say when we get to that throne of grace! When we’re at the bottom of ourselves, we often don’t know how to put our requests, our needs, and our heartaches into words. Sometimes we just stumble into the throne room mumbling, “help Lord, help!” H.E.L.P Oh my friend, the same God who gives you an open invitation to His throne of grace when you need help is the same God who gives you the words to say when you just can’t find any of your own. He gives you Psalms so you can find ways to express what your heart feels. Don't feel too busy to comment God I Need Your Help This Year. Also share this post to your friends so that God can help them this year.
